Having dealt with the car

The Nissan people contacted us by email to remind us that S' wee car was due for a service and for a Warrant of Fitness. While the service was not urgent, it turns out that with us being in Sydney next week, today was the last day to get the new WOF as it was due before 24 November. They were able to take the car this morning. So we took it there.

There being at Takapuna. On the other side of the Harbour. The warranty is only valid if the services are carried out by a recognised Nissan service centre. Having left her car with them, we went in my car to the Takapuna Beach Cafe, for a late breakfast for S and an early lunch for me.

After ordering the coffees, I went outside to take a photo of the cafe, and was pleased to be able to include S sitting at the table. We would have liked to be outside, but unfortunately the wind felt like it was coming straight of some ice somewhere. And the rain kept coming every ten minutes or so. The windows look out towards Rangitoto, and the northeast. So when the sun was shining we were nicely warmed by it.

I subsequently spent the day sorting out various tasks related to the practice, including completing the last outstanding report. Got it away to the Couriers a bit later than ideal but it is done. I can be completely relaxed during my week in Sydney, and with all else bing under control, I anticipate much less overload. That will be helped by the current locum being just three days a week.

One more for the cafe series. Note the lampshades inside the cafe. They appealed greatly.

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