
By mayasc

Seattle Day Two

Grabbed coffee from the first Starbucks in the world before we wandered over to the Olympic Sculpture Park, we braved a wander round in the rain and wind, experiencing more authentic Seattle weather conditions than yesterday. We walked up to Kerry Park to get another good view of the Seattle skyline as the clouds and fog started to clear.

Wandered back down the hill to have a look around the Seattle center, having a nosey around the EMP foyer and peaking through the gate of the glass museum.

Then came the bug splurge of the trip, brunch up the space needle. I had a waffle with butternut squash syrup and berries to start, eggs Benedict for my main followed by white chocolate bread and butter pudding. Very full by the end. Eating brunch in a revolving restaurant was amazing, views out into the Puget sound and downtown Seattle without me having to move an inch. We had a quick look around from the viewing platform before heading back to the hostel where we packed up and made our way to the airport to fly to Portland.

The flight was ridiculously fast. Barely half an hour in the air and we were landing. Arrived at our hostel easily and started planning all the different coffee and doughnut shops we have to visit while we're in Portland.

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