My Life in A&E

By gilvratina

Had a discussion today about the various October /November traditions in Germany and the UK, which seem to have some things in common (apart from Guy Fawkes, which is like no other tradition, what with its effigy burning and talk of treason etc.). They seen to use a turnip here, at least in the north, which they carve into a face (presumably with some kind of pneumatic drill) and put a candle inside it and then go door to door singing (sound familiar?), but there is just one song about a glowing man with a shiny / (or perhaps) glowing pate. Can't remember any more details.

No mention was made of Walpurgisnacht, but Biggs and I reckoned it might be at a different time of the year.

There was also running today and a chat with Biggs who was having a high old time out with P&K, drinking £5 craft ales. Lucky lucky lucky.

It will be my turn next week!

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