The Wolf Journal

By wolfjournal

Celebrating Women

Well, let's assume this is a figurine of a woman (I'm not very sure). But it is International Women's Day today, and after Disdatdudda's (btw see her fabulous entry!) suggestion for a women related blip I couldn't stay behind of course. But I must say it is pretty hard to do a woman related blip if you are not planning on going outside (other than a running trip without camera) and there are no women in the household. Surprising, is it not - half the world population, some 3 billion people, are female and I find it difficult to do a woman related blip...

I would like to dedicate this one to my mum. I am not sure if she realizes how important she has been in my life. Thank you mum!

Mam, deze is voor jou! Dankjewel voor alles wat je de afgelopen 30 jaar voor me hebt betekend. Ik hou van je!
Tot vrijdag!

(The figurine I bought a couple of years ago for S on Bali, Indonesia.)

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