Little ('Brush') Wattlebird

Flight NZ103 to Sydney this morning. It was actually a very uncomplicated flight, and we arrived late morning to be collected by Tsuken and the two little tsukens, and taken up into the Blue Mountains for a short stay. (Mid-week I am attending a conference in central Sydney, before we head back to Auckland)

Within a half hour we had seen (and I had photographed) a honeyeater. Later Tsuken and I went for a walk along a nearby fire trail. Before we go there I heard and then saw this wattlebird.

Subsequently, the walk allowed me to see more Aussie birds. The only other one I managed a photograph of was a lorikeet. After we got back, one of Tsuken's standard visitors, a King Parrot, came to eat some of the bird seed put out earlier. After dinner, a kookaburra posed briefly.

Half a day here, and Ive managed to get photographs of five Australian birds.

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