
By Tommy0161

Manchester University...

I was invited along on a photography safari with the guy who runs the photography club at the Post Box Cafe in Chorlton. We went to Manchester Museum. We were to wander about the museum for half an hour looking for the perfect picture and then take it. We were only supposed to take one and really think about it like in the old days of film. I cheated and took a lot and then delegated the ones I didn't think were up to it. I ended up with one of an ammonite, a creature that was about 400,000,000 years old. I liked the textures. It was cool to touch something so old.

We then had a wander about the university campus and took more pictures. I did this panorama of the courtyard of Waterhouse's university buildings, probably the most photogenic part of the huge campus and one of my favourite spaces in the city.

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