Birthday Balloons

Today was my birthday and what a fabulous day it was!

Anya decided to treat me to only waking once in the night, we had a lazy breakfast and Andrew treated me to lunch (without Anya for only the second time in 5 months!)
We all went to the pool in the afternoon and Andrew & I went on the 'Cyclone' ride together. It was awesome and Andrew's face was a picture as he realised we were about to plunge down a 45 degree drop! I'm sure there was some swearing along the way too but he assures me it was 'ooohhhh fudge' he was shouting ;-)

Once the babies were fed up of the water the boys took them home & Sarah and I had time to enjoy ourselves without the kids. The outdoor rapids were brilliant in the dark, with only shimmering blue lights to guiding us down. The water slides took me back to my youth; laying down as flat as I could to go faster. We finished off with another go on Cyclone. Sarah enjoyed it the first time and went back again but on the second turn she went down backwards and I think the screams could be heard across the park!
When we realised it was almost bedtime for the kids we squeezed in one last go, darted in and out of the showers and ran home with wet hair!
Andrew surprised me with this display of balloons for my birthday and the celebrations continued with presents, cards and a feast of goodies once the children were tucked up in bed. A perfect birthday!

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