Goodbye and good luck.

Nothing would be adequate to express the thanks and appreciation of so many for what Alex Salmond has done as First Minister. But today his Parliamentary Group and his Cabinet got together to try to find some tangible way to show their appreciation and the Parliament paid its own formal tribute.

This is the moment when, at the end of his last Cabinet in Bute House, Nicola presented him with the specially tailored golf bag we had all got together to give him.

The opening of the Cabinet had photographers and TV cameras present but the end had just the Cabinet members and officials. It was a happy moment amongst colleagues yet tinged with a palpable and memorable sadness.

This afternoon in the chamber was even more emotional . His resignation speech hit the spot perfectly reflecting not so much on himself but on his country and the Parliament. It made an eloquent and statesmanlike contrast to the partisan and petty contribution from the Tory and Labour leaders though Willie Rennie for the Liberals was better and Patrick Harvie the best of all those who paid tribute to him.

His final words to the chamber were "Good bye and good luck". We should repeat them back to him with heartfelt gratitude and affection.

Tomorrow we elect Nicola as Scotland's First Minister. What times we are living through.

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