
By TBay

Puppy love.

Miss Tbay dropped in for a cup of tea and a little bit of puppy love. Needless to say Pip was happy to oblige!

What a day!! Mountains of washing processed, beds changes and cooking for the weekend on an industrial scale. And then just to top it all I nearly set fire to the house! I carelessly ( due the fact I was in too much of a hurry) placed a plastic washing basket on top of my electric cooker in our back kitchen. I had forgotten that I had been using it earlier and had failed to turn it off properly.

I then went to dust and on returning to the kitchen area smelt that melting burning smell. I suddenly realised what I had done. Snatched the basket off the cooker. As I did so the plastic stuck to the hob burst into flames. I dropped the basket on the floor and ran to grab a bath mat which was still damp and threw it in the hob. It put out the fire at once. The basket I had dropped was actually also smouldering and as I picked it up to take it outside I then realised it had melted a hole in the mat on which it was standing. Ahhhhhgh!!!

What a mess. Plastic all over the hob, a hole in the carpet , a ruined duvet, sheet and bath mat and my house stinks of burning. But in the upside I am still here and so is my house. Phew! My guardian Angel was with me today.

I have now cleaned the hob and associated mess, but the smell lingers.

Farming - Two on compost hauling. The Mr Tbay's still in Surrey attending to mother in laws needs. Should be back tomorrow .

I have now just returned from an officer training evening which I helped run for Young Farmers. I am cream crakered and ready for bed. Hope tomorrow is simpler....

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