Life in Newburgh on Ythan

By Talpa


I appreciate that this will not be to everyone's taste, but country life is country life.

This afternoon I came across the local rabbit trapper at his work. When I was but a youngster, wild rabbit featured regularly on our table, but these days most people are reluctant to eat them. This is a great pity as they are plentiful, renewable and they provide very healthy eating. Much better to eat wild rabbits that have led a natural life than the domestic rabbits, provided by supermarkets, which have been raised in great cruelty in intensive rabbit batteries.

Let me tell you something interesting about wild rabbits; well, I think it is interesting. When I worked for a living I once wrote a paper on how energy flows through the animals living in our fair land. Of all the energy that passes from plants into our wild mammals each day, some 55% of it goes into rabbits! An amazing figure, particularly given that rabbits aren't native to the British Isles but were introduced from France by the Normans following the conquest.

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