A Look Inside

10.0C with rain all morning and dull through the afternoon. Zephyr.

Maeve the Deerhound and I went for our walk after lunch. We went up by the church then straight on out the country road towards Scryne. The rain, which I thought had gone off, came back on when we were on the long straight part of the country road to Scryne so we got a bit wet. At Scryne we turned right and went down to Easthaven before walking back along the cycle path which runs parallel to the shore road.

I had one or two requests for a look inside the little hut which I blipped on Tuesday, so I tied Maeve to the fence on the cycle path and crossed the road and popped over the fence to have a look. I found a very broken down door at the back, right beside the railway line, where I was able to poke the camera through and get a shot of the inside. Looks like it has been used as a stable at some time. I liked the all the ironwork in and near the fireplace. The inside doesn't look quite as bad as the outside but I think it still qualifies for SarumStroller's derelict Thursday challenge :-)

I didn't spend too long peeping inside as Maeve decided to bark when I went round behind the hut and out of her sight.

We carried on along the cycle path and turned up for home at Westhaven by which time we were drying off a bit.

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