
By briocarioca


Today was a holiday in Rio, commemorating Zumbi dos Palmares, "the last of the leaders of the Quilombo dos Palmares, a fugitive settlement in the present-day state of Alagoas, Brazil" here. Not for me, though - I woke early and tired and painfully aware that I had more work waiting for me than I can easily cope with.

However, HH wanted to get back up to the hills, having left his external disk up there, which was making his dire computer situation even worse. So after more or less finishing some of my work, we packed up and managed to get up here by around 8pm. The traffic was light except round the Lagoon, but at least sitting in a traffic jam allowed me to take a quick snap.

I also took a quick pic of a street dweller, sitting between parked cars on the central reservation, surrounded by rubbish, food remnants and his few belongings. The November Theme Challenge for today is Thursday Thanks, so I dedicate my blip to my parents, my wonderful husband and all the other people who have educated, housed and supported me so that I don't have to live on the street and scrabble for a living.

And I'm thankful to be sitting up here in the peace and quiet, though I'll have to lock myself in a back room tomorrow and shut out the view, birds, dogs and other distractions if I'm going to get my work done.

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