Kipper Cabin

By KipperCabin

Shot from the hip

Best looked at small.

. Customer Appreciation Night coincides with Fall Bulb Discount Days. Adds up to 35% off!

It was a madhouse, it was!! I just happened upon this little spot unencumbered by gardening enthusiasts, so I snapped away. Focus schmocus!

I got fifty fragrant narcissi, fifteen paperwhites and a clutch of double tulips. For eighteen bucks!

Half the narcissi will survive (racoons and squirrels will dig the other half up) (and eat them). The paperwhites will be flailing about like Hurricane Nellie's passing through, come Christmas Eve. I shall be rushing about with my hessian twine and bamboo stakes moments before my guests arrive.

I've great hopes for the tulips, though.

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