Kipper Cabin

By KipperCabin

Ginger and toffee chips ... baked ... together

To die for! My signature seasonal offering. My Christmas tour de force, if you will.

I did bake a batch last week, but before I could cool and decant them into tins and tuck them away deep in the depths of my freezer they disappeared down my Fred's gullet whilst I was otherwise engaged with my sums, downtown. Upon arriving home and discovering the annihilation I sighed. And I tutted. And I threatened sanctions. And Fred says, "God they're good, Mum". And I wilted.

Fast forward to tonight.

Missouri starts burning. Fred says, "I'm not watching this. I'm going to bed".

Opportunity! I rustled up a double batch, rolling and baking, and rolling and baking, CNN humming away in the background. The unfolding events took my mind off the boredom of rolling seven dozen ginger and toffee chip cookies.

But jesus! If anyone in history needs a "do over" it's those guys that thought that shipping people from Africa to America to slave away on their cotton plantations was a really great idea. Those guys need a do over. Really.

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