
Now that I've settled back home a bit, I can reflect on the amazing experiences I had on the trip.

Sparkie is still spending lots of her time asleep. She's quite an elderly cat - pedigree British Shorthair although she was a rescue. I can tell she enjoys the cattery and likes the people, but nothing quite beats your own settee.

Washing done, and now drying. Phone calls made. Remaining Egyptian pounds swapped back at M & S. Waitrose visited.

And I can look at my new treasures.

This is my Frankincense burner. We bargained hard in Salalah, southern Oman. I bought some good quality frankincense (as well as a special offer package). I have the charcoal too. At some point I will try it out, and see if the promises of a wonderful smelling home will come true.

Meanwhile, it has joined the New Mexico friendship pot on the mantelpiece.

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