Dubai bling

A wet and rather gloomy day, so I'm sharing another of my treasures from the trip.

We had twenty minutes in the Gold Souk in Old Dubai. It was part of a tour which had included the museum, and visits to various more modern parts of the city. I loved looking in the windows, and I also loved popping into the little shops to take a closer look. I'd managed to find some Iranian saffron in the Spice Souk, and was rather enjoying the chance to spend a little.

In the second shop, I spotted a few small pendants. They were very light. They were gold and white gold (not diamonds) and I rather loved them. They were not expensive and I bargained seriously and to a point I was happy with.

I had been told that the gold was of exceptional quality and I was interested to hear that but I don't buy "investment pieces" (I'm not in that income bracket). I just love finding something pretty which will remind me of exotic places when I get back home.

The chain you see is one I bought in the Grand Bazaar in Istanbul on a previous trip.

And, would you believe it, I hadn't seen that it was inscribed with "Palm Jumeirah" until I took this photo with my macro lens. Amazing what Blip helps you to notice. I suppose this is the Dubai equivalent of Pedro's little donkey.

I still love it.

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