Oleskii or Alexsey or Oleksiy

Title is a reference to the fact he has NO clue how his name is actually spelt in English because in ukraine they have a different alphabet - which i find totally hilarious and so kinda does he which i like - despite his lack of english he has a great sense of humour and always puts up with my 'english lessons' - which i one of the things that is so great about him!! Ha!

Thought this should be my blip considering i spent most of the day with Him at toddler group. Was actually a really good morning and (as seen in blip) we were decorating biscuits!

Then GB in the evening. Pamper evening which anyone who knows me, will know is not my most favourite thing to do so spent the evening playing pool and having cuddles with the ABSOLUTELY ADORABLE Zizi! ;)
M x

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