Because this is who I am

By Brighde

The Twenty-First of November.

So here I am, right in front of you. No makeup, no fancy clothes, no nothing.

Just as I am, showing you everything. All my cards on the table if you will.

I guess it sneaked up on me really, sort of when I wasn't keeping track it sort of just came along as years and dates do. I mean, it's one thing to feel nostalgic about a certain event or the anniversary of something/someone. But it's more than that.

It's an anniversary of not having one. Nothing gives me more joy than knowing I'm not celebrating today. Like like I have today to thank for being my happy self that I am today.

Also, I got my hair done today. Which is a huge deal.

Today would of been five years. So long sucker.

Happy Blipping.

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