Life Inspired

By inspiredesigns

Experiment with evening light

Well being back home has been an adjustment. Mostly it's the cold weather here that has been annoying.

I worked a very long day today to catch up on what I missed while away. So I didn't get out to enjoy the limited sunshine we did have today.

At home this evening, I managed to sneak out the back door and do some flower hunting. There doesn't seem to be much blooming right now, so my options were limited.

Most things are just starting to create buds waiting to burst open. I'm hoping they wait until after the last freeze to do so. I heard some people even got snow last night just South of where I live. It seems we always get some odd freezing in March to confuse our little plants and flowers.

I wasn't sure if I would be able to get anything interesting since the sun is long gone, and I'm not the greatest without lots of light.

I'm not sure what kind of plant this is, but it does have flowers in spring. I'll probably end up blipping it later when in bloom.

I really liked the silhouette against the strange evening sky.

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