MonoMonday - Five

There Are Only Five Steps to Haven (sorry)

and back again . . .

Today I was hoping to blip a couple of results from the new Tamron AF 18-270mm f/3.5-6.3 Di II VC PZD but I got so engrossed with some test shots (not blipable) that I missed the light.

So what do you do for MonoMonday, which turned out to be Five. How many steps do we have leading to our front door – well six but you don’t have to photograph the top one do you??

The Tamron did show its worth because I managed some quite acceptable long(ish) exposure hand-held shots and the Piezo Drive kept most of the shots steady. Unfortunately there was not enough definition with the low powered outside lights, so I had to use one of the flash shots, and another for the '. . . back again . . . ' version in my Blip Folio.

Many thanks to Skeena for hosting MonoMonday where you will find all the entries.


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