As my mood grabs me...

By AlisonM


Or maybe plus/minus.

Some days I just can't produce a decent shot no matter how hard I try. Actually if I have to try hard then I know I really should just give up! This has been one of those evenings and I'm going to give in and try this flower in natural light at the weekend.

On the plus side I've actually got Anemones to photograph. A rare occurrence this year and this time they're English Anemones which look far happier than the Italian ones I bought a few weeks ago which proved pretty useless alas.

I've two bunches - a good mix of sizes and colours so digits crossed I'll get some decent images out of them.

Meanwhile the weekend is almost year - yay. I've at least one portrait sitting at the the weekend - maybe two on Sunday or maybe a mother and son and a rabbit - who knows...... my options seems to be fairly varied!

I'm also going to contemplate my garage with a view to a good tidy up and the possibility of being able to set up to do my doggy shots in there over the spring/summer. It's easy enough to bring the lights in and out - and run electricity out there temporarily - and makes sense to let the pooches run wild in there instead of trying to fit them into the studio. Time will tell......

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