Erm... Beat...

- that's not how you are supposed to open the door to your car crate. In fact you are not supposed to open it yourself!

The boys needed a day off from training as - especially Hero - has worked hard recently and learned lots of new stuff. His brain needs a break, so no training today - but a beautiful autumn walk in the woods.

And Beat must have been keen to go out for a run, because this was what his crate door looked like, when we arrived! Naughty boy!
I have no idea how he did it, but this door will not keep him in his crate anymore! He is usually such a good boy that looooooves his crate.
Hahahaha look at his expression - it is almost like he is pretending to be surprised to see the state of the door! :-D

The inspection at work went really well and we got some very positive feedback from the supervisor. Yipeeee. We have inspection from the directorate of social services once a year to make sure that the work we do for the residents in the home is ok.

See you tomorrow.
Emmy and the Hazyland Boys

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