Dogs in the dark

Good thing all of the boys have white markings – otherwise you would not have been able to see them here!

It has been another freezing cold, but beautiful sunny day. I left work at 4 and took the boys for their walk. It was – as you can see – already getting dark.

I posted some more Christmas cards this morning – wooohoooo I am doing well here ;-)

The young author Yahya Hassan had a collection of poems published earlier this year and since then his life has changed. He is only 18 years old and he is still in school, but he has bodyguards protecting him 24 hours a day as he has been threatened on his life several times.

His poems are about an abusive childhood in a Moslem ghetto in Denmark, about Islam and about integration.

Tonight he is going back to his childhood neighbourhood to read his poems. Many are trying to stop him, so the police have worked for days to secure the neighbourhood. The amount of police that has been called in to keep everyone safe is madness. There has been declared a 'no-fly zone' over the town where he is speaking, the 200 people that are going to listen to him tonight, has been through a body search before they got in and the entire neighbourhood looks like a war zone.

I can't believe that you risk getting killed for writing poems in Denmark in 2013!

"I do not agree with what you have to say, but I'll defend to the death your right to say it".

I will be listening to him online, when he reads his poems and tells his story.


See you tomorrow.
Emmy and the Hazyland Boys

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