Meet the Morgans

By familymorgan

These two have had a super early dinner and bath and are now pretending the box is a bus and waiting for Daddy to get home. Amelie is writing special bus driver notes, apparently. She just ran up to me and said ''I wrote GOD Mummy" and when I looked she had written ''gob'', haha close enough.

She has apparently been ''quiet and sulky'' at school today. I'm not sure if that was some kind of hint that maybe I should have kept her off but she was fine at home yesterday and definitely was ready to go back today. She is tired though as she's not sleeping very well at the moment. They took her temperature at school and it was fine but her cheeks were rosy (could be something to do with the ridiculous heat in school!)

I reupholstered my kitchen chairs today (the ones I painted in the summer) They look really good, I'm really pleased with them. Isaac gave them his seal of approval. Which will no doubt be followed by half of his dinner...

We went to school early for a PTA meeting (MY cheeks were rosy by the end of that, soooo hot!) then came home to commence operation very very very early bedtime. Amelie was not entirely in agreement with this, apparently I am the meanest meanest meanest meanest meanest meanest meanest Mummy ever in the world ever.

Oh well, you win some and you loose some.

Fingers crossed they both sleep through tonight as I'm not up for a 11pm family chat.

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