
By Carscribe

Red velvet

Spent today in productive mode, being a word factory. It was an indoors day, which I didn't mind in view of the damp, misty, very November weather outside. The house felt a bit cold, though, because its 'heart' was temporarily extinguished.

I am referring to our ancient Aga, which we switched off last night to allow it to be cool enough for an engineer's annual service visit today. I had to take a mid-morning break when the engineer arrived, needing a warming cuppa to lubricate him while he worked on the Aga's innards. It is 59 years old, so maybe we will have to give it a 'big birthday' party next year.

By this evening it was up to temperature again. While I cooked supper, a comfort food garlicky pasta dish with chicken and ham, daughter was in baking mode. She made a lovely batch of red velvet 'whoopie pies' - actually cakes - to take in as a treat for her workmates tomorrow, plus a few for us at home. Yummy.

What is it they say? 'A moment on the lips, a lifetime on the hips'? Ah well. Time for a long dog walk ...

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