
By lyndylooloo

Four seasons

It's what we used to walk into assembly every day at school to. Vivaldi. It's nothing like that any more. They don't match in in neat lines and sit hushed waiting for the head to say something profound. I sat on a small chair at the back of the hall with other proud parents and watched as they came in and sat on the floor. The head teacher gave out the gold ribbons and house point badges and praised each child for their achievements as we all clapped. Then all of the birthdays for the week were read out and a chorus of Happy Birthday was sung to those standing for a birthday. Then a 50 balloon and some pretty gift bags appeared and it was time to wish the headmistress's Mrs Dandy many happy returns. A huge chorus rang out around the hall as the children all raised the volume for their lovely head teacher. I think she was genuinely touched by the generosity of spirit from her school family. I doubt she will hear it sung louder than that anytime soon.

Miniman was most proud of his gold ribbon for 'good adding & numeracy' he's got it pinned to Peter Rabbit now for safe keeping.

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