
By weewilkie

giving it big wings

Went out for a walk with my boy to film a couple of songs for an advent competition I'm doing. What I'm doing is a 6 second snatch of a song, beginning with a number that corresponds to whichever day it is. So for the 1st of December the first word sung will be 'one' then the next six seconds of the song. The competition is to work out the song and artist from the brief Vine video. I've got 25 to do, but I'm up for it !

My son was my roadie (carrying my guitar) and cameraman (filming me singing). As we walked he asked me what I was doing it for. Good question: why do we do any artistic endeavour? I answered that it was the reason that I did blipfoto: that it gives an outlet to my creative urges and leaves me with a very satisfied sense of self. That I have been able to create, to put my energy towards something positive.

Anyway, this photo is of a cormorant doing what another one wouldn't do. Believe it or not this is actually a colour shot and not a mono. It was that kind of a grey day. Yet, a grey day enlivened by walking with my son along the riverside, with feeding my creative urges and feeling connected: with myself, my son, my surroundings. Yes, I was giving it big wings like the cormorant today.

Onwards !

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