Standing Stone

Who will go where the standing stones stand,
when the fog rolls in and covers the land,
when the moon is hidden in a cloudy sky,
and the night is as dark as a raven's eye,
and the wind is as cold as a winter's chill,
What's that? You say you'll dare, you will?

From John Bliven Moren The Standing Stones

A busy morning digging in our new hawthorn hedge and then a little more bramble clearing. Jobs done, time for a treat and I went off on a recce as we have our two archaeologist pals coming round for the afternoon tomorrow and we want an explore. I checked out a ringfort, a stone row, a huge standing stone and then went to have a look at the old mass house. The mass house was built after the Penal Laws were repealed and allowed Catholics to worhip once again. Not much remains now and what does is covered in bracken. It does have this engimatic standing stone near it though - now ivy clad and forgotten. I suspect this has been here a lot longer. A dark and grey day and no light so a bit of fiddly has ensued.

And thank you to SarumStroller for choosing my Hobnails as his fave for the Derelict Thursday Challenge - delighted :)

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