Porty People and Places

This morning I took the bus to meet two esteemed Blippers for an excellent catch up in Leith.

The bus driver, unusually for LRT buses got lost and took a high speed route through the local housing scheme to get back on his correct route. He shouted out his apology to all those who could hear him saying he had been driving a different route on his early shift and had got confused. His confusion was nothing to the faces of the bemused residents as the 49 double decker hurtled down their quiet sides streets!

On the way home I saw the Wojtek bus. This bus is advertising the appeal for a statue to the Polish soldier bear to be cast and placed in Princes Street Gardens. The soldier that accompanies the bear is already finished but the funds are not yet in place for the bear himself. I understand that many potential Polish donors are disappointed that Wojtek will be on all fours in the statue and not standing upright as seen in this art work on the bus. That discrepancy in expectations is denting donations.

A busy afternoon of work was followed by work of a different kind at an excellent networking opportunity at a Consulate Reception.

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