
By Angelique


Thankyou for all the kind comments on yesterday's blip and advice on selling in the future. Not quite up to that standard yet, but I keep working at it.

This morning when I opened the conservatory door for Matthew, this is what greeted us. But not one but two!!

I had no idea they would appear and it was wonderful to see them smiling for us.

The weather has been a bit iffish today, although the sun did come out briefly to play late afternoon. There was a Christmas Bazaar on in our Village Hall today, so we went and enjoyed delicious soup and Matthew of course enjoyed cake too.

Bought a few bits and pieces then it was off to Minehead to get fuel, the car wash and of course Matthew had to visit the bookshop. And guess what, another book!!

Otherwise a fairly quiet day and looking forward to chilling out tomorrow.

Hope Saturday has been good for you all. Sending hugs xxxx

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