
By Marlytyz

Hola de Argentina

Back in the land of free wifi after 18 days aboard the cruise. I have to say that I really miss not being able to keep in touch and I am now so far behind with my blips. Will have to start doubling up in order to try and include all the images I have fallen behind with.

We visited the Iguazu Falls in Argentina today which to say was spectacular is an under-statement. I took many photographs but thought this one really gave it a sense of scale.

In the afternoon we went on a jungle hike with a member of the Guaraní people. the indigenous people of this part of the world. This was fascinating and we learned so much about their culture.

Sadly, I have been battling some strange virus for about 3 days, whereby I am ok one minute and ready to pass out the next. I had to ask the poor man to curtail the walk as I thought I was going to faint.

Currently in the room at the lodge alone while Ken and some friends have gone out to dinner.

Tomorrow we fly back to Buenas Aries for two nights, then home.

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