
I've taken 1000's of photos today, and deleted a whole lot of them... Why did I choose this one to blip?

I spent the morning at the Riverside Museum. I'm not especially interested in transport*, but I am interested in architecture, and I wanted to see Zaha Hadid's design up close. Coming from Partick, I was initially disappointed. The building looked like a metal shed. But then I walked all the way round, to the Clyde side and the Tall Ship, and changed my mind. Even more so when I went inside. I've noticed that certain spaces can affect my mood - this one had a really cheering effect on me. The colour (yellow) and the clean, uncluttered lines made me feel really happy. Plenty of windows linked the interior and exterior of the building. There were more curves than sharp corners. I liked it. A lot.
Tonight I had a Photo Pass to take pictures of The Amphetameanies at King Tut's Wah Wah Hut. It was strange to be sitting on the metal benches inside the pit while the audience danced behind me (and came close to spilling their beers over me). The lighting was challenging but I got a few good photos I think. Anyway, I enjoyed the music. A lot.

* and actually the transport was interesting as well!

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