
By SueScape

Village Pond

This is the edge of the village of West Lavington near Midhurst, still with its village pond which I've blipped before from the other direction. The eagle eyed among you will spot the farmhouse owned by the Cowdray Estate with its characteristic bright yellow paint. Back in the day, local farmers had permission to walk their cattle over neighbours' land in order to water them at this pond. Nowadays it dries up in summer, possibly the base has deteriorated and needs puddling again. Don't suppose anyone will bother getting new clay since no farmer or his cattle come to use it.

I've had a blitz the last few days on storage cupboards. When we moved here and I wasn't too well, things got stashed willy nilly. I thought it would occupy my mind to sort and clear while the dreadful business of waiting for results continues. I now have loads of bags and boxes to recycle or go to the tip, but strangely the cupboards don't look much emptier. How can that be?

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