Henry & Will

So. This AM I bimbled to Gillingham; not that one - the one in Dorset, where I collected Helen at the station. We decided to grab a coffee and that's where we saw these hombres. They make the most wicked latte I've had in a long time and I can heartily recommend "Platform One". Once we'd got our drinks we took a seat and were asked to stand up for a moment while a removal company delivered a lovely old kitchen table for us to lean on. It truly is a smashing place and these guys are lovely.

Then down the road for a degree ceremony. Two guys, both named degrees. A great turnout of friends, family and staff and we had a few in tears as we did the gig. I think that's my sixth prison ceremony this year alone - and it's likely to be my last. The Deputy Governor was there and we had a chat about the challenges his charges face when it comes to studying in prison. These go beyond the usual ones such as access to resources and support but also the "softer" challenges such as their peers who might resent someone studying; it happens more than one might expect, and the perennial problems around being moved. Materials get lost, some prisons are not very "study-friendly" and if nobody tells the university that a student has been moved we can't plug in tutorial support as quickly as we'd like. Great to catch up with a few other students too and the staff who are doing a great job of supporting distance learning.

And then the 150 miles home which included a chat with a woman I love (Child 1) and a Dylan and SAHB fest on the CD player. In the office tomorrow to clear my desk - I'm not sure how long it'll take to put an empty green tea box in the bin but I'll try to spin it out to lunchtime at least. I'm feeling a bit "gate happy" and I plan to make the most of the few days remaining with friends in East Grinstead.

The take away message today is - Get yourselves down to Gillingham (not that one, the one in Dorset), give your taste buds a real treat and make sure that these lovely guys have a buzzing business; they deserve it.

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