
By lucia13

Give me my ball! It is my ball!

I was walking behind this woman and her dog and he was jumping for the ball. It made me smile. He was very funny around the woman jumping desperate further away. The woman just doesn't want to throw the ball in the river . The dog was full of energy and very friendly. Later I was speaking with the woman and the dog never stopped until she threw him the ball. She has not as much energy as the dog expected haha!
The day was grey and sometimes raining so I didn't walk a lot with Millie today.
Ali from the art class and I went for a walk with Millie , we had a nice tea in Lisa's house, another friend from the art group. Eventually it stopped raining and we did a short walk. It was very nice despite the grey day and Millie was so happy. We didn't bring Boffy today because of the mud. It is terrible for her collecting all the mud and leaves in her hair and legs around the fields haha.. Poor Boffy! her owner took her home.
Thanks for the nice comments and for having a cup of tea and for trying my biscuits yesterday virtually . Glad you enjoyed it. We finished it today.
Have a nice day everyone.

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