Texann Times

By Texann


We popped up to MD Anderson in The Woodlands this afternoon for L’s chemo pump disconnection. We’re hoping that this might be the last treatment this year and that there might even be a short break on the cards. We’ll find that out at the end of next week, so fingers crossed.

They were running late at the hospital so we stopped for a very late lunch/early dinner on our way home. The light was fading fast and I was running out of blip options when I noticed these cyclamen that are currently in a lovely colourful Christmas display in the town centre.

Driving along nowadays is really entertaining. L’s very quiet normally, and since I do most of the driving, he usually sits happily looking out of the window. However, since starting to blip, I’ve started to hear comments like, “Those guys back there would have made a really good blip!” and “Oooh, that’d be brilliant for Derelict Thursday!” and “Could you slow down as we go over this railroad crossing, so that I can try taking a photo down the line?” The last one is a slightly more dangerous thought than the others. Today’s one of “That’s a really ugly sunset!” became his blip. We do spend a lot more time looking around and noticing things now, both pretty and ugly.

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