
By magpie

When Cars Were Cars

Mother's Day (or weekend given the events of yesterday) found me doing what I was telt and grovelling about sweating and covered in dust clearing out an area of the loft.

While clearing out my Dad's stuff has been difficult at times, one of the nice things is finding previously unseen things from the past. Today's find included an indoor set of bagpipes, a New York Times from 1977, some very dodgy home-made wine from about 30 years ago, another 6 combs (to add to the 30 or so already found in various pockets), an old fuselage from the model-aeroplane making days, home-made flies for fishing and this old Meccano toy car.

It must be about 70 years old, and although caked in glaur and dust, was in fairly good nick.

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