Honoured and privileged...

...to have a seat in the Court of Session this morning to witness Nicola Sturgeon being sworn in as First Minister of Scotland.

The proceedings were very formal and very short but I was so happy to be there to witness the moment the first ever woman was sworn in as First Minister of Scotland. A moment in history:-)

My first ever time in the Court of Session and it is quite a building. After the proceedings we had a wee look in Parliament Hall. This is the stain glass window in that hall. What struck me was the ceiling and it reminded me very much of the ceiling of the Great Hall at Stirling Castle. I read later that it was indeed based on that ceiling in Stirling. There was also a roaring fire in one of the two huge fireplaces...nothing like a real fire:-)

It was then back to HQ and a busy day responding to ticket enquiries for our event at The Hydro on Saturday.

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