New pet bed

for Nelson. So the green towel is history! Amadeus and Buddha are also allowed to use this bed, but it's where Nelson usually takes naps, so... And he is one happy dog in his new bed I have to say. Almost as happy as I am that I don't have to look at Nelsons blankets and towels that he drags there....

On so not happy note. I visited my old work place today. I haven't worked there for over 20 years, but there's still people who have worked there since I did. One of our colleague that I had last met last summer had died in August. She died 4 days before she had turned 51. She had a heart attack. She had called an ambulance, but they refused to pick her up. For some reason she did not take a cab to the ER (her mom had told her that she'll pay for it), but chose to sleep over night in her summer cottage. Her brother had come there to check on her and next morning he was granted a permission to take her to the ER. She died when they got to the ER. This makes me really sad. She left 3 children in the early 20's. They all still lived with her. I can't imagine how the children are coping. I think they all need to move to their own apartments...

We just have to try enjoy each day we are given...
Take good care of ourselves and others.

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