Christmas Tree

So, hopefully you guys know what this is, and if not, then I guess you don't go to Wal-Mart much! As you can so obviously tell, this is my (well, my family's) Christmas tree. We put it up the day after Thanksgiving, which really annoys me that my mother insists that we set up for Christmas ONLY ONE DAY AFTER Thanksgiving. Anyway, so this year was a little different in that I didn’t really help much with decorating the tree. Take it from me though, when you and your mother fight over how the garland should be hung on the tree every year, I think you’d not want to help decorate it, too. Well, nonetheless, it still turned out looking great like it does every year. Another big accomplishment going on right now is that my mother’s boyfriend is moving in and we are officially buying the house. Now, you may ask, “What does this have to do with Christmas?” Well, even though we’ve been spending Christmas together with him for the past couple of years, this year, we get to spend it almost like an “official” family. He’s been bringing in a lot of his items from his house, and some of our decorations are actually his (like a toy train that he’s going to be setting up soon!). I know it doesn’t seem like such a big deal, but to me, this guy is like my father, and to have him finally move in with us is great. I guess it makes me a little happier to know that this Christmas will be the actual “start” of our family.

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