Art Project

Now, I know the quality isn’t the best (blame my iPod for that!), but this is supposed to be a picture of my art project, which is a metamorphosis project. We were supposed to take two objects and somehow morph one of them into the other, and, with me being a nerd, decided to choose Donatello’s bo staff to morph into Michelangelo’s nun chucks; and if you didn’t know who Donnie or Mikey is, they’re from TMNT! Well, anyway, I had brought this project home to work on, considering it’s due Friday, and I still need to finish drawing AND coloring it. Usually, I’m one of the first done with a project in my class, but now, I’m behind. I feel like I really don’t want this project to turn out bad, so I’m taking my time to make sure it’s perfect. I like all my other projects, too, and I try hard on them as well, but this one I’m just putting a little more effort in than usual, so I hope that it turns out great so I have one more picture to hang on my wall. And who knows? Maybe once I’m finished with this project, I’ll make a couple more metamorphosis pictures just for fun!

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