
As you already know, I’m not very confident, so taking pictures of myself is rare; but when my level of confidence arises, and I find myself in the perfect moment, I feel I have this need to capture it forever, and this picture shows one of those moments. I’ve had a rough weekend, with the bustling of the musical, and with other problems going on. I honestly was stressed and angry to the max, and I kind of went into a depression-state. I seemed fine for a little while, but on the inside, I was frustrated and confused and I didn’t know what to do. At one point on Saturday, Laura wanted to get pictures of the cast and directors, and I didn’t want to do it. I hid in the first picture, and tried hiding for the second one, but Laura had me smile for the second picture. I felt so self-conscious when they took the picture, and it just bummed me out more. But after the shows, I seemed to feel a lot better (this is one of the reasons I love Drama Club), and after I got home, I thought it would be cool to get a picture of myself with the flowers that I got (the blue flower was from my friend Kaitlyn, the rose was from one of the shows that I was in). It honestly turned out a lot better than I had thought it would, and that made me really happy. In fact, it kind of made my day worth it. Believe it or not, with my stressful, drama-filled life, taking one good picture can really turn a bad day into a good one.

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