
Hallo, meine gute Freunden auf den Internet! (Or in English, “Hello, my good friends on the internet!”—hopefully I said that right!) Two nights ago, I went to Liederkranz for the third time. If you don’t already know, Liederkranz, which literally means “Song Circle”, is a great get-together of different German classes from other schools to come together and eat, dance, and sing. It’s extremely fun (and the food is delicious!), so I go every year. This year was pretty much the same as the other two years, but we had our new German teacher Frau Shafer with this year instead, so this was sort of like her special first year as the new “Deutsch Lehrerin” at Tri-Valley. One of the first things that we got to do was to watch all of the dancers as they did old German dances, such as the Schuhplatler, and the Bench Dance (I can’t remember how to say the actual name in German right as this moment). After we watched a couple different dances, we went up to get food, which took a while considering the line was really long. Once we got our delicious food (which is like heaven in your mouth—or “wie Himmel im deinen Mund”), we sat back down and learned a little bit about the German culture as we ate our Schnitzel und Wurst und Spetzler. After we had finished and gotten some dessert of Apfelkuchen, or apple cake, we had to pick four kids from each school to go up and learn the dance themselves, which was really funny trying to watch them learn a dance in five minutes. After everybody was done with that, we all got into the middle of the room and danced to “Fliegerlied-Heut ist so ein schöner Tag”, which we do every year, and it’s so much fun. I even got a video of it! Right before we left, we got a group picture with everyone in it, like we always do, but I wanted to get a picture of my own, so I got a big selfie with everybody, as you can see! I feel like it was the best way to end the night, and even though my voice is still a little sore from screaming and I’m craving the German food a lot, it was all worth it in the end.

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