My Wall

This is a picture of the wall in my room. I recently just reorganized and got rid of a ton of stuff, and upon going through all of my papers, I came across a bunch of pictures that I had drawn years ago; so I decided to use them to cover up my bare wall. So far, I only have about half of it covered, but hopefully in a couple of days, it’ll be completely covered (save for the space at the bottom of the wall, that’s where my vanity is going!). I’ve actually been drawing new pictures to try and fill up the little spaces that I have so it’s literally completely covered. I’ve also been cutting out little pictures to fit in those spaces, like by the light switch. I’m also making big “posters”, so to speak, to try and cover up bigger areas of the wall (because, if you can see, there’s a n area on the yellow wall that needs to be covered still!). This way, when I’m done, I’ll be able to have all of my work combined into one big art collage for me to see every day; it’ll allow me to look back on all that I’ve done, and will give me insight as to what I will make in the future.

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