Well...that's a relief!

Christmas is on special at The Local Supermarket and The Boss who is well over the No 4 hair on his head picked this up, along with the bread this afternoon.
It is good to hear that the Claus are coming. After all the fuss that is currently about our town and for that matter the world as well…. the entire world economy would be in Dire Straights…Love those guys…if they didn’t.
For myself I am angling for a PawPad with the app “Grand Theft Dogbone” on it. AND the new App…Dog Spots-Local edition.
Crunching good excitement…The app NOT the PawPad.
I would love to stay and sniff a bit but The Bossess is in serious countdown mode and The Boss has to produce Christmas cards with ME on them, photos for insertion into the above while repairing the lawn mower and keeping the supply of Coffee up to the executive team with advanced gift wrapping as a diversion.
Ah…The simple life. I think I will go annoy my Frog. It doesn’t seem right that he should get off Scot free somehow.

Oh Canny…Sorry about the Scot …remark…OK?
This does NOT need to be any bigger...Trust me on this!

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