Abstract Eyes

By abstracteyes

Day Light Savings

I awoke this morning to the sound of, "Mommy, Mooommmy, Mooooooooommmmmmyyyyyyyyyy". 6:30am. Daylight Savings.....make that 5:30am. Our daughter wanted to color. Coloring at 5:30am? Seriously??? Our house was freezing (thanks to our son flipping off our heat when no one was looking the night before), so after a little bit of coloring, I was able to convince her to cuddle with me on the couch for a cartoon. She LOVES Dora the Explorer.

By 8:00am, our little family of four was sitting around a booth seat for breakfast. A quant little restaurant known for their breakfast and their kid friendly atmosphere. Our kids were served little bowls of fruit loops to keep them entertained until their Mickey Mouse shaped pancakes arrived. With shamrock sprinkles and whipped cream. By 9:30am, we were home playing 'Chutes and Ladders'.

During lunch, we were talking about different projects that we wanted to do in our backyard this spring. I mentioned my interest in having a flower bed garden, instead of the small potted garden that I grew last summer. Next thing I knew, we were all in the car headed to the Home Improvement Store for lumber. Two hours later, my 8 foot garden bed was built...compliments of my husband and son and daughter. The beauty of this project is that we used a part of the yard that has never been utilized before. A full-sun section of the yard that was just blank. Well according to my new vision, this section of the yard is going to flourish! I tested a few names for my new "farm". Let's see.......Abstract Organics.......or Organic Eyes.......yeah, I definitely got the "seriously????" look!

As we finished the new garden area, my son starting playing in the dirt behind a big pine tree that we have in the corner of our yard. One hour later, the area was cut back, raked, a little car ramp was built and voila, our kids now have a digging area. Also in a part of our yard that has never been utilized.

By 7:30 pm, our kids were in bed and we were cozy on the couch talking about everything that we had accomplished today. Wow, it was ONLY 7:30pm and we had the whole night ahead of us. Then we noticed the time on the TV. Wait......WHAT? Why does the TV clock say 9:30pm??? What? It's only 7:30pm. "Ooooh noooo" says my husband, "I accidentally turned the clocks back an hour, instead of ahead"........yep, we both felt pretty brilliant at that point.

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