Paint me a picture

A much more positive title than, 'Can't see the wood for the trees'.

Not a great day at work. Non-specific other than the general feel and climate, and yet I finished last week focused and productive. But it is only one day and I'm not alone in that sense of being all over the place. Tomorrow is a new day.

Some of you will know I'm a fan of impressionist photography. I like seeing what can happen and in what new way my camera can be my 'brush and palette'. Recently I read of the idea of not only using shutter speed and movement to create an image, but to do several of the same subject - each slightly different and layer them.

As I biked to work today and looked a different trees with the very first hint of autumn and the odd leaf fluttering down, I decided that would be today's blip.

I couldn't remember everything I read but all I did in Photoshop was adjust curves (you could use levels), change the opacity of each layer until I liked the effect and apply blending modes to a couple of the layers. I used 3 images to create this.

And it only took me a few minutes :-)

It would have been my Nana's birthday today. I still miss her.

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