Nor-West Sky

I love clouds and I am particularly fond of nor-west skies. We had such a sky here all day until a bit of a southerly change blew through this evening. The sky had remained cloudy all day and those clouds merged with intriguing shapes of a wonderful shade of blue-grey. The temperature rose to 29C but luckily the usual winds prevalent in this sort of weather were not too blustery.
I enjoyed a brief visit to the Farmers Market where I met with friends, bought yummy “sole” bread, tomatoes and a big bag of fresh lettuce leaves of differing varieties. The Farmers Market is a fun place to visit and I spent time talking with folk visiting from the UK.
We are expecting long lost distant cousins from Scotland to visit us tomorrow. Our family on my side had no idea we had relatives in Scotland until recently. It will be so interesting to meet them and catch up on our McMahon family in Scotland.

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