Tutto bene

By Blackdrake

"Guess what...

...Daddy? I won the most Dedicated Student of the Year Award!!!"

I couldn't get any decent photos of Amber after she won this very well deserved award, she just couldn't stay still! This was her on the phone to Paul, as he couldn't be there for the display and awards ceremony. She works really hard at her Karate, I'm so pleased she has won this award. Last week at the club championships she won a medal and got the shield for best Kata - what a girl!! The lovely quaich she won will have her name engraved on it, and, unlike the shield which she keeps for a year, she gets to keep the quaich!

So a joyous day, topped off with good company of lovely friends tonight. If only I wasn't so bloody knackered!

Well Monday beckons (yawn) so I'd best go to bed - only problem is a small child has inhabited it. I noticed earlier when I popped my head around the door - there was a large stripey cat in place of said child. Do I move her back to her own bed, which will be all cold or do I sneak in the other side? I think I'll take advantage of it being a Superking and not disturb her.

Mince Pie Count: 5 (gave last in the packet to my sister, saving myself)

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