Life Inspired

By inspiredesigns

The end of the day

After a short work day (seemed long) I came home as my husband ran out the door to a meeting at work. The boys were sleeping, so I managed to finally get a little caught up on that laundry I so carefully avoided this past weekend.

When they woke, I decided to get them dressed and off to the beach for some photo time. Our ultimate goal was the "castle" aptly named for its concrete walls and circular form. The walls, however, are only a few feet high to allow you to meander around and not fall off the cliffs. But it does offer a great place to sit and watch the waves, seagulls, an occasional whale (I've yet to see one in 33 years) and the sunset. I hope to actually get an interesting shot of the "castle" one of these days but may have to wait so I don't lose a wee one off the cliffs.

After taking several photos, I realized that again I had my camera on an insane setting. In Hawai'i, I had set the white balance down quite a bit to offset that blazing sunlight. Here, however, I live in the dark and gloom of the Pacific Northwest, so my photos were all but dismal.

On our way back (and after I fixed my settings), I pulled off the road at a makeshift viewpoint about a mile from our home. The sky was such a lovely shade of blue, and the sun's warmth still reflected on the damp beach below.

I'm beginning to like this place quite a bit. Here's my previous blip at a higher tide.

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